The Get Back Band

Grape Harvest Festival by Harold Brown

Grape Harvest Festival

We attended the 2nd annual Grape Harvest Festival at Gervasi Vineyard on September 29th. There were food and gift vendors near the vineyards, two local bands and competitions for Bocce Ball and Cornhole. Also open to the public was the new winery and Crush House restaurant.

Grape Harvest Festival
Grape Harvest Festival
Grape Harvest Festival

There were two bands playing the lake side as well as a band in the Pavilion.

Gervasi Vineyard

After a brief walk around the Gervasi grounds and checking out a few of the vendors we decided to have lunch on the Piazza. It was a perfect day to enjoy relaxing with our favorite foods and watch all the activity around us.

Harold Brown - Bhaga Video
Gervasi Vineyard

Follow the link to see more pictures from the Grape Harvest Festival