Budweiser Clydesdales Horses

Budweiser Clydesdales Horses by Harold Brown

Budweiser Clydesdales Horses

I happened upon the Budweiser Clydesdale Horses show at a local strip mall in June 2009. Unfortunately the show had just ended, but I was able to get a few pictures as the crew was packing up. As luck would have it I had my Nikon D90 with me and got some very nice shots. Magnificent animals and a beautiful day. You can see the photo gallery by following this link to my photo website.


Budweiser Clydesdales Horses


Budweiser Clydesdales Horses

Budweiser Clydesdales Horses

Harold Brown Travel

There are 20 pictures from the show that day at my photo website. Follow the link to see all of them. Leave a comment if you like the photographs or share the post on your favorite social site.

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